Wellington Greens Planned Community, Inc.
1. Name of HOA/COA: Wellington Greens Planned Community, Inc.
2. Management Company: N/A – Self managed
3. Address: P.O.Box 7692 York, PA 17404
4. Municipality: West Manchester
5. School District: West York
6. County: York
7. Primary Contact: Jamie Tyndall, Board President, 717-885-9538, hoa@wellingtongreens.org
8. Tax ID: 23-3000240
9. Phone Number: 717-885-9538
10. Email: hoa@wellingtongreens.org
11. Website: www.wellingtongreens.org
12. Is the HOA/Condo a 55+ Community? No
13. Initiation Fee: None
14. Recurring Fee and Frequency: $225/year billed mid-December, due January 31st.
15. What does the fee cover?: Common area maintenance (trees, grass, snow/ice), insurance, etc.
16. Resale Certification Fee amount? $100.00 due before the certificate is released.
17. Can the Units be rented? Yes - but the renter must agree to adhere to the association rules before occupying the property.
18. Is the condo/townhome community FHA/VA approved? N/A (no townhomes/condos)
19. When does the approval expire? N/A
20. Total number of units in the entire project? 163
21. Total number of phases in the project? Project complete. No additional lots to be improved.
22. Are there any special assessments (for example-sometimes there could be a "special assessment" to replace roofs if there’s not enough money in reserves to replace the roofs): No current special assessments exist or are currently expected.